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Indian gooseberry also known as Amla is undoubtedly one of the most powerful fruit having abundance of health benefits. Being rich in Vitamin C, Amla provides all the essential minerals and Vitamins, which protects your body from various diseases. We would recommend you to take an Amla everyday with a Glass of Juice in the morning.

Health Benefits Of Amla:
Prevents Hair LossPrevents Hair LossAlmost every hair Tonic contains Amla as it enhances Hair Growth and Hair Pigmentation.

Improves EyesightImproves Eye SightStudies have shown that drinking Amla juice everyday can improve your eyesight. Carotene and vitamin A in Amla helps in reducing night blindness and Macular Degeneration.

Anti-AgeingAnti AgeingThe antioxidant present in Amla helps in reducing the formation of free radicals in the body. Thus, having Amla in your diet can make you feel young and strong.

Prevents Diabetes

Prevents Diabetes
Source: Times of India

Chromium contained in Amla helps in reducing Blood Sugar level for Diabetic patients.

Improves Digestion

Improves Digestion
Source: NDTV Food

Being rich in fiber, amla helps in improving digestion. Fiber prevents constipation and reduce Diarrhea.

Heart Disease

Heart Disease
Source: NDTV.com

Amla helps in giving strength to your heart muscles. Chromium present in Amla helps in reducing cholesterol level in your body and thus keeps all heart diseases at bay.