Featured ImageTaking 8 Hours of Sleep a day is mandatory to live a healthy life. However most of us have become insomniac and found very difficult to sleep early at night. One of the most important factors which trouble your sleep is your bad dietary habits. If you know what to eat before going to bed, you will fall asleep faster.

Here are the lists of some Key Food to have which will help you sleep better and faster:


Source: well-beingsecrets.com

Rich in Potassium and Magnesium, Bananas help to relax your Muscles and Nerves. Bananas further improve digestion and helps in Blood Circulation.


Source: David Wolfe

The Sugar present in Honey spikes your Insulin level which helps Tryptophan to enter in the brain more effectively. Tryptophan’s main function is to make Serotonin and Melatonin which is our body’s clock hormone.


Source: The Telegraph

As told above Serotonin and Melatonin are body clock hormones. Tryptophan present in walnuts is a sleep enhancing hormone and thus helps to make more Serotonin and Melatonin in the body.


Source: Serving Joy

When the amount of Magnesium present in your body, it becomes difficult to sleep. Enriched in Magnesium, eating 3-4 Almonds before going to bed help you to sleep better.

Corn Flakes

Corn Flakes
Source: Magic4Walls.com

Cornflakes contain both Carbohydrates (from Cereals) and Calcium (from Milk) which will make you fall asleep faster.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea
Source: StyleCraze

Acts as a Stress Buster, Chamomile Tea helps to give sound sleep. Also Glycine present in tea helps in relaxing Muscles and Nerves.