Do What You Can't And Then Do It Better!
In a lay man’s term, comfort zone is defined as a settled method of working that requires minimal effort and yields only satisfactory results.

Comfort zone is restricted to one person’s strengths and beliefs which help him to stay at ease, but not every situation in life can we coped up with that space. Hence, it is necessary for a person to step out of their boundaries to explore their limits. It might seem difficult to let go of that little warm space, but it’s overtly important that we break those little strands that tend to hold us back. Let us look at a few Ways to step out of your comfort zone.

Set High Standards
Set High Standards
One of the most common Urban Myths is to shoot for the Stars. But with all the atrocities in the Modern Era, we have a dire need to break this Myth. By setting the Standards High, we can strive to up our daily act which would help us extend our reaches.

When Life Gives You Lemon, Make Lemonade
When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade
In life, there are bound to be situations that will pull us out of our Sense of Comfort and not give much headway. These are situations that require us to step out of our Comfort Zone and take initiative towards combating these issues while maintaining Physical and Mental Peace.

Do What You Can’t And Then Do It Better!
Do What You Can't And Then Do It Better!
In life, it is important for us to know what our limits are and to abide by those rules, but again it is also necessary to know how far we can push those limits. Doing so, we can increase productivity, Quality of Work, Determination and Satisfaction derived from that activity. Beating our own score can be the best aphrodisiac out there.

When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time?
When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time
Breaking the monotony of life can be a challenge for each and every person. Life nowadays is a viral routine of repetition. With all the gadgets and applications at hand, we hardly have to break a sweat to achieve anything. Making a bucket list of things that are yet to be experienced can be a huge motivation because at times drawing a straight line without the help of a ruler can be tedious.

Where The Mind Is Without Fear
Where The Mind Is Without Fear
Fear can tame the best of minds. It’s imperative that this fear is combated in its early stages to overcome the hurdles in its entirety. It is absolutely mandatory to go out of our way and face our fears in an attempt to keep our head held high. A hurdle crossed Today is one less for Tomorrow.

We spend a majority of our life staying in our Comfort Zone as it feels secure and at ease, but it is crucial for our growth to break free from those very strands that give us security.