Source: Garcia Studio

Nobody prefers to eat heavy meals in Summers. In this hot climate, it is advised to take light, nutritious meals. Adding Salads in your meals can be very effective, as they are light and Nutritious.

Vegetables like Onions, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Carrot etc. constitute most of the salads, and it won’t be true if we say that it is easy to consume the same salads every day. Making Salad Dressing helps give you a different taste.

It takes less than 5 minutes to make a salad dressing, and one can keep it in refrigerator for a week. You can also carry it, while going outside.

Here is how to make Salad Dressings nutritious as well as delicious:

Classic Vinaigrette

Classic Vinaigrette
Source: Pinterest

What you need is mustard paste (2 tea spoon), red wine vinegar (two table spoon), a little salt and pepper. Mix all these ingredients and add 1/3 cup of oil. Now blend the dressing into a jar and keep it in the refrigerator.


Source: Paleo Plan

Perfect for summers, this dressing tastes delicious, getting flavour of mango in it. take chopped pieces of one whole mango, and add lemon juice, mustard paste (one tea spoon), a little sugar and salt. Now blend the mixture in a blender and keep it in the refrigerator.


Source: Pinterest

Crush the watermelons and make a cup of puree, add vinegar (three tablespoons), a little pepper and salt, and 3 tablespoons of oil. Blend everything and store it in the refrigerator.


Source: Once Upon a Chef

Take a bowl, add 4 tablespoons of Balsamic vinegar and a tablespoon of lemon juice, and then add a little salt and paper. Stir everything and also use some olive oil while making it.

Spicy- Honey Mustard

Spicy-Honey Mustard
Source: What I Gather – blogger

You will love the amazing combo of sweet and spicy in the dressing. Take 2 tablespoons of honey and lime juice, some mustard paste, mix it for few seconds, and now add 2 spoon lime juice, half spoon lime zest, and a little salt. Blend it with olive oil and store it the refrigerator.



This is said to be one of the easiest dressings to make. What you need is two tablespoons of lemon juice, one table spoon of lemon zest and Dijon mustard, and a pinch of sugar and salt to taste. Whisk it while adding olive oil.


Source: Japanese Cooking 101

One of the most delicious dressings, Sesame gives you a south-East Asian flavours. You need two tablespoons of sesame seeds, three table spoons of sesame oil, 2 table spoons of vinegar and brown sugar, pinch of salt and pepper. Mix it and store it in the refrigerator.

Spicy Thai

Source: GreenLiteBites

Spicy Thai is a treat for people who love Thai. Take three tablespoons of vegetable oil, add half cup of lemon juice, one table spoon of sugar and fish sauce, pinch of Sriracha and salt. Blend it and serve.