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We have gotten so addicted to certain food products that we have stopped checking if they have some sort of harmful side effects or not. We just follow everybody blindly, because everybody is having it. And on the other hand, there are some healthy food items, about which certain myths had been formed long back, which makes people avoid them. But since food is our ultimate source of survival, we should pay attention to it by knowing the reality behind what we are eating. Here are some Common Myths about Food items that we have believed since a very long time now and also know the reality behind them!

Potato Chips Are Unhealthy. Have Banana Chips, They Are Healthy!

Potato Chips Are Unhealthy. Have Banana Chips, They Are Healthy!
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If, after believing this, you switched to banana chips and were still wondering the reason behind your increasing weight, then read this – Banana Chips are prepared with a lot of sugar and salt. They also have high fat content. All these things make them almost as unhealthy as potato chips!

Dry Fruits Are Nutritious. Have Them As Much As You Want

Dry Fruits Are Nutritious. Have Them As Much As You Want
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Okay, we agree, dry fruits are loaded with vitamins and nutrients. But the fact that we don’t know is that they have concentrated calories. Some of them even have extra sugar which makes them equivalent to having candies!

Tetra-Packed Juices Are Prepared From Real Fruits!

etra-Packed Juices Are Prepared From Real Fruits!
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Do you really believe that? No, we are not judging! But seriously, package juices ARE NOT made from fruits. In fact, they have a high content of sugar, almost the same amount as in soft drinks. Apart from that preservatives are also added.

On A Diet? Have A Diet Soda Instead Of A Regular One!

On A Diet? Have A Diet Soda Instead Of A Regular One!
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If you say you haven’t fallen for this one, we’ll not believe you, because EVERYBODY has believed this at one point of time or the other! Diet sodas have artificial sweeteners which are more harmful than regular sugar. They can even get converted to stored fats. And the worst part, they make you prone to strokes and heart attacks.

Need Energy After A Run? Have A Sports Drink!

Need Energy After A Run? Have A Sports Drink!
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This has got to be the best Food-Con! Sports drinks are simply sweet sugared water mixed with artificial colouring. You get energy by electrolytes, which can easily be found in bananas and coconut water.

If You Are Trying To Lose Weight, Switch To Skimmed Milk!

If You Are Trying To Lose Weight, Switch To Skimmed Milk!
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Skimmed milk goes through a lot of processing, because of which calcium and vitamins are lost. Therefore, to cover up for them, synthetic vitamins are added which do not help at all in weight loss.

Salads In Restaurants Are Actually Healthy!

Salads In Restaurants Are Actually Healthy!
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At home, we prepare simple salads and we know the amount of calories we are taking in. In restaurants, we assume the same and order salad without any hesitance. But in restaurants, a salad full of cheese, eggs and dressings is very high in calories and fats. You should always ask for dressings separately so that you can have the quantity you want!

Don’t Eat Desi Ghee. It Increases Cholesterol Level

Don’t Eat Desi Ghee. It Increases Cholesterol Level
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Being an Indian, we all know the pain of having Chapatis loaded with desi ghee, thanks to our Moms! And we always create a fuss about it, don’t we? Well, we should stop with that, because desi ghee has 32% of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA). Wondering what is that? MUFA actually helps in reducing cholesterol level in our body. Shocked? So were we! Also, it reduces cholesterol without reducing HDL, which is healthy.

Eating Nuts Will Result In High Cholesterol Level

Eating Nuts Will Result In High Cholesterol Level
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Just like desi-ghee, nuts also have the quality of reducing cholesterol, contrary to our assumptions. They are in fact very healthy too, as they help in weight loss, are cardio-protective and also help in keeping away various diseases.

Don’t Eat A Lot Of Sugar. You’ll Get Diabetes

Don’t Eat A Lot Of Sugar. You’ll Get Diabetes
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This myth seems to be the most logical of all the other myths, because diabetic patients are supposed to stay away from sugar. But sugar is not the one and only cause of diabetes. It can also occur because of many other lifestyle reasons like obesity and eating high-calorie food or genetic reasons.