Fairness Creams Usage

The skincare regime has improved and gained importance in the last few years with increasing consciousness among the people. So many brands are constantly launching new range of products for skincare that are gentle on the skin. And it is not just the women who are taking care of their skin, men have equally conscious. But even with such progression, we tend to make skincare mistakes which have been passed on to generations after generations. Here are some common skincare mistakes that we really need to stop making so that our entire skincare regime doesn’t go wasted!

Having Too Much Milk Or Sugar

Having Too Much Milk Or Sugar
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We all have gone through the times when we were forced to gulp down glasses of milk by our parents while getting lectured about its uncountable benefits! One of them was ‘fair skin’. But now after years, let us tell you that this is a complete MYTH. In reality, milk is comprised of animal hormones which can become a reason for acne. Also, we mostly consume all the dairy products with a high amount of sugar in them which causes dehydration in the body. Therefore, we should avoid consuming them in excess amount.

Oily Skin Means No Moisturizing! Really?

Oily Skin Means No Moisturizing! Really
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For us, oily skin means rigorously washing it and then leaving it as it is, without any cream or lotion. We assume that by doing this, our skin will become devoid of any oil. But, in fact, the repercussions are exact opposite because the skin produces ever more oil as it senses the extra dryness! So now after washing your face, use an oil-free lotion which is water- based.

Fairness Creams Usage

Fairness Creams Usage

Even with the world progressing in every field, the hype of light skin in our country has still not settled. Especially in the rural areas, the life and soul of a girl depends on the colour of her skin. And as a result, the fairness cream manufacturing companies are encouraged and motivated. But as we raise this sensitive issue, let us make clear that fairness creams do not help in making you fair, apart from the fact that they are wrong according to morality. They are made from various toxic chemicals which are carcinogenic.

Just STOP Using Bar Soaps

Just STOP Using Bar Soaps
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Bar soaps never were, nor will be any beneficial for the skin. They do not clean your skin but only leave your skin dry. Moreover, they also become home for bacteria and dirt. So basically, there is no point in using soap while bathing because the whole idea becomes pointless!

Not Giving Attention To Removing Makeup Properly

Not Giving Attention To Removing Makeup Properly
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The world has become advanced enough to have a quick way to do almost everything! So then why are you too lazy to remove makeup before going to bed when easy makeup-wipes are easily available? We always underestimate the results of sleeping with our makeup on. Do you like acne on your skin? Or blemishes? Nobody does! Then please religiously remove your makeup properly at night before sleeping.