No one can resist the temptation when it comes to Chocolates. Of course. Not just a single person. Whether a child, a youth, parents, teachers, students, boss, engineer, or be it the grandparents. Chocolates are for all. But, after knowing the fact about Japan you may begin to think that Chocolates, probably, are not for all. Yes, you will feel like cheated after knowing the truth about people of Japan that they are relishing with nearly 300 flavours of our beloved and favourite Kit Kat.

Kit Kat Flavours Japan

What are the flavours? Well, it cannot be counted on the fingers but yes, some of the flavours of Kit Kat in Japan are truly splendid.Grape, baked sweet potato, cola, soy sauce and more. The list includes a lot more than what you can ever imagine for the flavours of chocolate.

Japan, undoubtedly, has been quite creative in developing various out-of-the-world taste, materials, toys, and other stuffs. Who can forget the giant doll made of chocolate was also made in Japan. And this time, Japan’s passion for world-famous creations is doing around the wonders. No. Not from this year only but since 2000 when Nestle was on the urge to create flavours on the basis of season and region. They had them to sell at souvenir shops at airports and railway stations.

Which was the first Kit Kat bar? Surprisingly, first flavour of Kit Kat launched was Strawberry Kit Kat flavour and not the real Chocolate.

Kit kat Strawberry

The most popular flavour? Japanese Green Tea flavour – Machha. It’s really strange that can a chocolate lover actually fall in love with a bar with green tea Kit Kat flavour? But, it’s happening in Japan.

Kit Kat Green Tea

While looking at such a huge variety of flavours, it feels like life is being unfair to us, the Indians. Isn’t it?