Drink lots of Water
Source:English Conversation Course

First fall then winter, has given us more than enough reasons to binge. Starting from Dussehra to Diwali, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, there was something about the wintry sun and chilly breeze that made everyone gain a few pounds over the season. The spread of Sweets, Candies, or a handful of Peanuts were the soft spots of every part of India.
However, festivities are no good reason to neglect one’s diet. Therefore, below are some tips to ponder for a healthy yet enjoyable festive season.

Keep A Check On the Quantity

Keep A Check On the Quantity
Source:Banyan Botanicals

Rather than focusing on what you eat, focus on how much is on your plate. One single piece of Laddoo, Barfi and a glass of Soft Drink have truckloads of calories (185, 58 and 210 respectively to be exact). Control the urge to eat sweets and decide upon having maximum 2 pieces in a day. In case, any day you succumb to your sweet tooth and end up having more than prescribed, try to balance it out with salads with some extra time on the treadmill.

Drink Lots Of Water

Drink lots of Water
Source:English Conversation Course

You have heard this before and its being said again, drink plenty of Water around the festive season. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, make it a habit to chug a glass of Lukewarm Water every Two to Three Hours. It will help you complete your daily water dosage of 2 Litres and filter all the excess oil that accumulates in your body.

Don’t Skip Your Breakfast

Don’t Skip your Breakfast

The key to not having multiple snacks is a healthy and hearty breakfast. Bundle up on proteins and fiber along with a handful of dry fruits; it will keep you full for a foreseeable period of time and help curb those hunger pangs. However, if you skip the breakfast, you are bound to munch more than acceptable.
Politely Decline Whenever You Can

Politely Decline Whenever you can
Source:Recent Comments | mgoblog

French Fries, Samosas and Pakoras are staple guest snacks in almost every house. They are a spicy and a scrumptious delicacy that is hard to say no to. However, every time before taking a couple of them in your plate, remember that fried foods are empty calories and will play a pivotal role in making you fat. Therefore, politely decline your hostess after taking the customary ‘one piece’. While in late night dinners, cease yourself from taking those second and third helpings because you will only end up feeling lazy and groggy the next morning.

Source:Business Insider

Don’t let your party plans or festivities take a toll on your daily workout. However, if you are not a gym person, shed those extra kilos and second helpings you took the other night by walking them off. Make it a habit to take the flight of Stairs at work or at the metro station. If you can, take a 20 minute Jog in the morning or a brisk Walk after dinner at night. These little steps today will help you carve a better lifestyle tomorrow.