Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink
Source:Extraordinary Experiences – Brian Worley

It is one of those cocktails prepared using pomegranate, added to Italian white wine- Prosecco. Tickled pink is one of the must-try New Year drink, it can be topped with some other flavoured wine as well.

Orange Sparkler

Orange Sparkler
Source:Prosecco Club

Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemon are active ingredients used in the preparation of classic New Year drink. A cocktail prepared using orange liqueur and sparkling wine adds sweetness, overpowering the acidity of wine.

Champagne Dream

Champagne Dream

The dreamy cocktail for New Year can take you on a trip and is what the name signifies -Champagne Dream. Ingredients of this drink are Pomegranate liqueur mixed with Cointreau, fresh orange juice, and champagne.

Orange-Cherry Champagne Cocktails

Orange-Cherry Champagne Cocktails
Source:Cocktails – About.com

It is one of the most famous New Year drinks served at the parties, whipping Champagne topped with oranges and cherries that bring a perfect blend of fruity flavours and craziness of Alcohol.

Raspberry Cooler

Raspberry Cooler
Source:Some Salt… To Taste!

It is one of the coolest New Year drinks served at bars. Raspberries flavoured with mint leaves can be topped with crushed ice and vodka. For non-alcoholic party folks, the cooler can be served without adding a dash of vodka.

So, which is your perfect cocktail for New Year 2017?