Varieties of Mangoes

The Mango-season is here! Who is in for the mango treat? Have you already decided your target for the season? Yes? But how many of you know that there are 10 varieties of mangoes available in market to bloat away your taste-buds every time you try the different mango? Not all of them are mean for eating – some are best for mango-shake while some are best mangoes for eating.

So, here are the 10 different varieties of mangoes which every mango-lover must try:

Alphonso – The KingAlphonso MangoNamed after Alfonso de Albuquerque, a military man who helped the establishment of Portuguese colonies in India. One of the expensive variations of mango, this orange-coloured mango is mostly grown in Ratnagiri region of Maharashtra. Alphonso is not only loved by Indian, in fact it has a great demand in overseas as well. Its splendid flavor and lip-smacking sweetness is beyond explanation. Also known as ‘Hapus,’ tons of it is exported to other various countries.

RaspuriRaspuri MangoAs the name suggests, it is one of juiciest mangoes available in India and considered as the Queen of Mangoes. Rich by texture and sweet by flavour, it is mostly cultivated in the various parts of Karnataka. They are generally oval in shape with yellow-green coloured skin.

TotapuriTotapuri MangoThese elongated shaped are widely grown in South India. Also known as Bangalora or Ginimoothi, it was first imported from Florida in 1901. This greenish yellow fruit is majorly grown in India for its rich mango pulp. It has sweet creamy textures.

LangraLangra MangoDon’t get fooled by its funny name, as it is one of the superior varieties of mango available in India. Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh is considered to be its greatest producer but it is relished across the India for its unparalleled taste.

ChaunsaChaunsa Mango With reddish hue, this yellow coloured mango is one of the sweetest variation of mangoes. Grown in Pakistan and Punjab, it is in great demand for its great taste and exclusive sweetness. It is also grown in some parts of Northern India.

Badami AlphonsoBadami Alphonso MangoAlso known as Karnataka Alphonso, these types of mangoes are at par with Aphonso mangoes in terms of its taste and richness. Best eaten around the month of May, it is widely grown in north Karnataka. So you may call it South Indian Alphonso!

Banganapalle or Bangan Palli Banganpalli MangoAs big as weiging 350-400 gms per piece, these most popular variants of mangoes is very popular in South Indian States. Originated from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, it has derived its name from a town in the state of Andhra Pradesh – Banagana Palli which is famous for its mango cultivation.

Himsagar Himsagar mangoWith a pale green skin, this tasty variation of mangoes is orange in color ‘inside’. Available primarily in Orissa and West Bengal, the greater it is reddish inside; higher the probability of it being sweeter. These usual looking mangoes definitely taste ‘unusual’.

DasheriDasheri MangoFirstly prepared in the gardens of Nawab of Lucknow in 18th century, this ‘Nawabi’ mango is now grown in different parts of Northern India, Pakistan and Nepal. Malihabad in U.P. is its largest producer and this variety of mango is highly seek in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines and other parts of South-East Asia.

KeshariKesari MangoAs these mangoes comes with a saffron-orange colour skin and well the pulp inside, they are names as Keshari (saffron coloured). Available in Saurashtra Gujarat, it is a popular choice among homemakers and chefs due to its fibrous flesh inside.

So, Which is your favourite mango type?