Source: India Travel Info

Whenever we think about something Adventurous, something Spiritual, the first name that comes to our mind is Rishikesh. A place that attracts Adventure Seekers and Pilgrims, Rishikesh is definitely a place to visit every Year.

Rishikesh is situated in Uttarakhand near Himalayas beside Ganga River, known for Adventurous Activities, Yoga and Meditation.

Built at a height of 70 Feet from the River, Rishikesh is place for all Seasons.

It is a home to some Exquisite Temples. For those who are looking for Peace and Serenity, head to one of the oldest Yoga Temples in India, Swarg Ashram in Rishikesh, where you can meditate for Hours, watching the Sun rising from Shivaliks. The Neelkantha Temple is anathor important Temple to visit, made in the Memory of Lord Shiva.
Rishikesh is 242 kms away from Delhi and it will take 6-7 Hours to reach the destination. Either you can drive a Car, or you can go by Bus or Train.

Filled with endless Adventurous Rides, the place is popular for River rafting on the turbulent Waves of Ganga. Bungee Jumping, Rock Climbing, Fox Flying, Mountain Biking etc. are some other exciting Adventurous Activities which you can be a part of.

So what are waiting for?? Pack your bags right now and head Rishikesh this Summer.

Rishikesh: (Map)