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Haven’t we all at some or the other point in our lives spent huge amount on beauty products to get the skin we have all always desired! If we haven’t spent, then at least we have considered doing it! Are we right or are we right?! But what we ignore is the fact that there are so many other things that can make you achieve the perfect skin and that too for free! So here are 5 Simple Ways To Achieve Glowing Skin that actually show results and are free of cost!

Toner Is The Key To Glow

Toner Is The Key To Glow
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As much as moisturizing and cleansing are important, toning is also equally important to get glowing skin. This is because toner has more advantages that you can ever imagine. It reduces the occurrence of pores, controls oil produced, refreshes and hydrates the skin. The best toner you can use is rose water which is available almost at everybody’s house! Use a toner right after cleansing.

Fluids And Fluids

Fluids And Fluids
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You must have heard this a gazillion times before, but we will say it again, DRINK WATER! Drinking lot of water keeps you hydrated from the inside which will lead to the glow on the face. Have as much water as you can, because drinking water has no side effects after all! Apart from water, having coconut water and fresh juices is also extremely beneficial. Intake of large amounts of fluids will also protect you in the scorching heat.

Ice To Cool Your Face

Ice To Cool Your Face
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As much as we love eating cool items in summers, our face also has similar kind of demands! Ice facial at home is all you need to radiate your complexion while getting rid of dullness of any kind. Put ice in a small tub and immerse your face in it for a few minutes. The pores of your skin will tighten giving it a healthy glow almost instantly. The best part is you can use this simple method as many times as you like!

Give Your Face A Massage While Waking It Up

Give Your Face A Massage While Waking It Up
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When you wake up in the morning, you feel puffiness on your face which makes your skin look dull and sleepy. To get rid of the puffiness, a facial massage in the morning is mandatory. Just a few minutes of massaging will wake up your face and liven up your face!

Let That Butt Work!

Let That Butt Work!
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The most natural way for the perfectly radiant skin is exercising and sweating it out! Working out in the gym or dancing or doing any other kind of physical activity increases blood circulation in your body while releasing glow-inducing hormones. One of the best way to this is Yoga, whose benefits we all are well aware of. It keeps you fit, young and brightens up your skin! If not this, you can very easily 30 jumping jacks or can even have vigorous dance session on your favourite songs which will be fun too!