Be Nice Towards Your Hair
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“I don’t like long hair”, said no girl ever! And if she says that, she is probably lying! Every girl always fascinates about having really long and healthy hair because they enhance your beauty like nothing else! But with so much of pollution and dust around us, our hair loses their natural texture and most importantly it hampers our hair growth. But there are simple tricks and tips  that you can keep in mind to improve your hair growth. Follow these simple routines for Natural way to Increase Hair Growth and to get long and beautiful hair!

Eat Healthy

Eat Healthy
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We have been stressing on this for we don’t know how long. A proper healthy and balance diet is the key to a healthy body! Eat food items that promote hair growth like fish and leafy vegetables. You will definitely notice the results!

Stop Getting Your Hair Trimmed Every Month

Stop Getting Your Hair Trimmed Every Month
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Moms have always told us getting your hair trimmed regularly is the secret of long and healthy hair. Which is actually true, but that doesn’t mean you keep getting them trimmed every month! Your hair grows about half an inch every month, and if you cut them off then there will be no progress. So what is advisable is to have a trimming session once in every three months.

Be Nice Towards Your Hair

Be Nice Towards Your Hair
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Using too many chemical products on your hair is never a good idea. If you use too much shampoo while washing your hair or shampooing more than often can make your hair dry as it takes away the natural oils of hair. Also, use a soft brush to comb your hair and do it gently with soft strokes.

Lots And Lots Of Water

Lots And Lots Of Water
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Isn’t water the biggest solution to every problem? Of course it is! Drink lots of water as it helps in removing all kinds of toxins from the body which in turn enhances hair growth. This is the simplest way to achieve long and healthy hair.

Too Much Heat Is A Bad Idea!

Too Much Heat Is A Bad Idea!
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No matter how beautiful these styling products like straightner and curler make you look at that time, in the long run they make way for weak and dull hair. You will experience hair fall while growth will also get affected if you use these products too much. Avoid using them as much as you can and rely on your natural hair. Only natural hair can give you the shine and bounce as you desire!